Since the release of ChatGPT, the amazing capabilities of Generative AI chatbots have been captivating users. GenAI can create application letters, write poetry and even code – almost like a human. But it can also do much more.
With the appropriate specifications, the chatbot can transform into a powerful tool that takes on very specific tasks and performs them according to the user's wishes. For example, GenAI provides excellent support in designing better B2B marketing strategies. The only question is how exactly to use the GenAI tools for this purpose. We at andweekly have gathered extensive experience with GenAI in day-to-day marketing – and now we want to show you which of the technology's capabilities are the best places to start.
GenAI has two major advantages. The chatbots are intuitive and can be operated without prior knowledge. And thanks to large language models, they have universal knowledge of the world, which they can supplement with internet search. This means that users do not need to train GenAI specifically to use it as a strategy tool. The many possible applications and capabilities make GenAI particularly useful for strategy optimisation.
When discussing GenAI, the generation of texts or other documents often takes centre stage. However, other GenAI capabilities also come into play in strategy optimisation. The chatbots can analyse data and documents, structure material according to particular criteria, and optimise documents and concepts by suggesting better alternatives. This brings many concrete advantages.
GenAI can increase employee productivity in marketing and sales by up to 100 %.
Time savings
Strategies are based on more, and better, insights
Strategies can be optimised more effectively
The strategy is more impactful
For marketing teams, this means a significant potential performance boost.
Acht Länder, acht unterschiedliche Marketing-Prozesse – vor dieser Situation steht Manpower. Die Folge: Uneinigkeit darüber, welche Leads Priorität haben, sowie erschwertes Benchmarking und Austausch über Best Practices.
Um internationale Vergleichbarkeit zu schaffen und Lernprozesse im Unternehmen anzuregen, will das nordeuropäische Marketing-Team um Projektleiterin Tina Hingston ein länderübergreifend konsistentes Lead Scoring und Reporting einführen. Dafür holt sie sich Unterstützung des Strategiepartners andweekly.
Von der herausfordernden und zeitaufwendigen Rekrutierung geeigneter Fachkräfte sind Unternehmen in vielen Branchen und Regionen betroffen. Das Ziel von Manpower ist es, dem Personalmangel weltweit mit innovativen Lösungen zu begegnen. Die ManpowerGroup mit Hauptsitz in den USA und Niederlassungen in rund 80 Ländern zählt zu den weltweit führenden Unternehmen in der Personalbranche.
Kerngeschäft ist die Vermittlung von Fachkräften aus zahlreichen Branchen an Unternehmen, die sich nicht mit zeitaufwendigen Rekrutierungsprozessen beschäftigen wollen. Darüber hinaus hilft Manpower, kurzfristige Personalengpässe zu überbrücken und Produktionsspitzen mit geeigneten Human Resources auf Zeit abzufedern. Zum Unternehmen gehören zahlreiche Tochterunternehmen – darunter auch der IT-Dienstleister Experis, den wir bereits bei seiner Marketing-Strategie unterstützt haben.
Die ManpowerGroup unterhält in jedem Land ein eigenes Marketing-Team, das individuelle Ansätze im Online-Marketing verfolgt. Zwar wurde HubSpot als All-in-one-Plattform für Marketing in den meisten Landesgesellschaften etabliert, doch das HubSpot-Knowhow und der hinterlegte Lead-Management-Prozess sind sehr unterschiedlich.
Das Problem bei Manpower: Die uneinheitlichen Marketing-Prozesse der Landesgesellschaften führen zu inkonsistenter Lead-Qualifizierung: Ein Lead, der in einer Landesgesellschaft als Sales Ready eingestuft wird, kann in einer anderen als Marketing Qualified Lead (MQL) eingestuft werden.
Daraus ergeben sich für Manpower folgende Herausforderungen:
Mangelnde Vergleichbarkeit. Unterschiedliche Definitionen und Prozesse machen es schwierig, die Leistung und Effektivität von Marketing-Aktivitäten zwischen verschiedenen Landesgesellschaften zu vergleichen. Ohne einheitliche Standards können sie Best Practices nicht identifizieren und erfolgreiche Strategien kaum replizieren.
Schwierigkeiten bei Zusammenarbeit und Kommunikation. Inkonsistente Definitionen führen immer wieder zu Missverständnissen und Fehlkommunikation zwischen Marketing- und Vertriebsteams, insbesondere wenn diese länderübergreifend zusammenarbeiten.
Verpasste Verkaufschancen. Unterschiedliche und nicht immer optimale Definitionen von MQLs und SQLs bewirken, dass Mitarbeitende bestimmte Leads unter- oder überschätzen. Falsche Prioritäten in der Lead-Bearbeitung kosten wiederum wertvolle Ressourcen.
Standardisierung der Marketing-Automatisierungsprozesse für eine nahtlose Customer Journey in den verschiedenen Manpower-Landesgesellschaften
Entwicklung homogener Dashboards auf globaler Ebene zur einheitlichen Erfassung, Analyse und Vergleich der Performances von Marketing-Kampagnen
Optimierung der CRM-Strategie durch Implementierung von Best Practices für Lead-Erfassung, -Qualifizierung, -Scoring und Reporting mithilfe des HubSpot Marketing Hub
Erzielung von Effizienzgewinnen durch Reduzierung von Inkonsistenzen zwischen den Landesgesellschaften
Erhöhung der Transparenz zwischen den Landesgesellschaften hinsichtlich Lead-Generierung, Lead-Qualität und Marketing-Performance zur Verbesserung der Entscheidungsfindung und Performance
Generating content is not a direct function of a marketing strategy. Nevertheless, this skill also helps with strategy optimisation.
Use Case
GenAI can be used to write strategic frameworks and similar documents. It can write reports and analyses. It can also formulate content ideas for predefined topics or generate a customer journey. Strictly speaking, however, this is already beyond the scope of "simple" generation.
GenAI communicates like human dialogue partners – in everyday language. Behind this capabiliy are enormous computing capacities that can be tapped into indirectly using prompts. This makes GenAI very suitable for complex data analyses. GenAI can analyse large documents or data sets almost in real time. It recognises patterns and outputs results in the desired way. Chatbots with internet access can also carry out complex online analyses.
Use Case
This ability to analyse is valuable when creating a go-to-market strategy, for example. You’ll need information about the target market and industry circumstances, in particular about attractive target companies as well as current macro trends and competitor products. GenAI provides these insights much faster than manual research and can compile its findings into a report. GenAI analyses also help with a data-driven content strategy, for example by collecting topics and trends for blog posts or white papers. A good starting point is to analyse the content strategies of competitors – also with the help of GenAI, of course.
After collecting and analysing information, the next step is to develop conceptual content – structuring. Here, too, GenAI can provide comprehensive support. These tools understand complex instructions and are familiar with the relevant specialist areas and frameworks used as reference points. They are also familiar with the formats that are suitable for a certain type of structure, for example. The results are structured documents that bring conceptual clarity to the material according to the desired logic. There is an enormous range of applications for this.
Use Case
Based on previous research and analyses, GenAI can segment the target group and create profiles of the key buyer personas – essential for the go-to-market strategy. It's possible to establish specific pain points, which then flow into suitable value propositions and appropriate core messages, differentiated according to personas. Another area of application is the campaign strategy – e.g. channel selection. GenAI supports marketing managers in finding the perfect channel mix (paid social, organic, etc.), tailored to the phases of the buyer's journey.
Does an aspect of your existing marketing strategy have potential for improvement, such as your content strategy? GenAI provides alternatives and optimisation suggestions whenever you need them. Users can also refine the results over several rounds – for example, the SEO optimisation of content to increase search engine visibility is particularly important for marketing campaigns. GenAI provides helpful suggestions of suitable keywords on relevant topics.
Use Case
Marketing managers can use GenAI to also improve the customer journey, for example by equipping it with appropriate content formats. Targeted KPIs and benchmarks are needed to assess the effectiveness of a campaign, and GenAI can explain which ones are suitable to do so. For campaign optimisation, the chatbot can make improvement suggestions based on these KPIs. Users can also optimise campaigns with regard to specific goals and compare different options, for example with metrics such as Return On Ads Spend (ROAS).
From generation to optimisation: GenAI's versatile capabilities are what make this form of AI the perfect virtual assistant for developing a marketing strategy. And that label is to be taken quite literally: a good application of GenAI is to assign the chatbot a role as a team member responsible for certain tasks. With paid versions of ChatGPT, you can also save presets or define your own GPTs for this purpose. In any case, the potential of GenAI in B2B marketing is enormous. However, to fully exploit it, marketing managers should continue to focus on and optimise other areas, such as content, campaigns, automation and CRM.
That’s exactly why we have compiled a comprehensive GenAI guide that explains over 20 exciting use cases in all areas of B2B marketing and strategically categorises each one. It also gives you important tips for GenAI implementation, such as data protection, security and risk management. It is well known, for example, that GenAI can produce incorrect results. Quality control by human employees is therefore essential.
Want to find out more about the specific use of GenAI in B2B marketing?