Identifying potential prospects – and then converting them into customers. This is a key objective in B2B marketing. Lead management is providing marketing teams with an important lever for this, and as a result the world of digital marketing is generating completely new opportunities.
Data-based digital approaches significantly improve results by enriching marketing processes with objective information. This allows for a much more precise evaluation of leads and dramatically increases the effectiveness of marketing measures. Scatter loss is avoided and a focus is put on highly qualified leads. And that's not all: many processes in the CRM system can be automated with the help of databases. Digital marketing can scale and becomes even more effective; sales increase. At the same time, collaboration between the marketing and sales teams becomes more productive.
Practical tool for automated lead management: We offer a ready-to-use lead scoring template with a comprehensive range of configuration options.
Leads are the currency of marketing, so to speak, but as with any currency, there are major differences between individual units. Not all leads are the same: only by fulfilling certain criteria does it become clear that a contact is a prospective customer and not just a random website visitor.
Marketing teams must qualify leads based on such criteria in order to support their conversion and avoid wasting resources on the wrong leads. Data helps with both goals.
Better lead qualification through objective criteria
Data-based precision makes measurement and comparison more objective. This increases the probability of a hit during lead evaluation.
More effective lead conversion through targeted measures
The correct evaluation of leads makes it possible to execute marketing measures in a more targeted manner. The lever is used exactly where it will be the most effective.
In principle, there is no shortage of data sources in the digital era. It is just a matter of collecting and utilising the available data effectively. Surfing behaviour, newsletter registrations, completed forms: by analysing this type of information from the CRM system, marketing teams can gain valuable insights into a lead’s potential.
This forms the basis for targeted funnels, i.e. for leads to progress as seamlessly as possible in the course of their conversion to customers. It is crucial to consider the specific interests of the lead at each particular point in time. After all, it makes no sense to contact a new newsletter subscriber with a demo offer. However, it must first be made clear what the ideal customer for an offer looks like.
Defining your ideal customer profile (ICP) is a crucial step before lead management can be automated:
Define target groups: The customer always takes centre stage – and this is even more true for potential customers. Clearly defined target groups and buyer personas ensure that marketing automation is truly contributing to the corporate strategy. At andweekly, this is part of a thorough go-to-market-plan.
Funnels and the buyer's journey: Data-based lead management allows marketing funnels and the various phases of the buyer's journey to be precisely defined. This ensures that measures are always played out in line with leads’ current needs.
Data-based insights maximise the effectiveness of marketing measures. Marketing teams can correctly assess leads, track them on their way through the funnel and optimally nurture them. This approach is also useful for collaborating with the sales team. It ensures that leads are handed over to the sales department at exactly the right time.
Data can be a huge boost for lead management across many dimensions. For this to work in real marketing processes and be automated in the CRM system, a number of specific steps are necessary. Lead scoring is at the centre of this: only the calculation of a numerical value for individual leads makes it possible to define automatic actions in the CRM system.
Receive the ready-to-use lead scoring template and tips on the most important hurdles during implementation.