Dr. Christian Pundt
Senior Content Writer

Christian doesn't just enjoy writing. He particularly likes the challenge of delving into new topics. This way, every content project becomes an adventure into a new world of knowledge, from which he returns to his current project happy and with numerous insights. He then enjoys taking sober facts and creating engaging content that is both comprehensible and substantial.

Open to new ideas and more than 15 years of experience in online media

In addition to his curiosity, he has acquired a solid set of tools for his work over the years as a PhD in media studies, science writer, online journalist and SEO expert. 

Are you looking for ideas for better content? Christian is looking forward to your message!
And otherwise?
Where I live


Favorite series:

Schwarz Rot Gold

Most listened to artist:

The Go-Betweens

Meistgenutzte App:


Favorite restaurant:

Mirou Hamburg

When Christian is not working on content projects, he can be found crossing hip and remote areas on foot or by bike, forgetting the time while taking pictures of things or rushing through the Vier- und Marschlande with his road bike.
Are you looking for ideas for better content? Christian is looking forward to your message!