Alice Deguelle
HubSpot Consultant

Alice creates efficient and personalised HubSpot concepts that are precisely tailored to the needs of her customers. She attaches great importance to successful lead nurturing and optimised sales processes in order to increase sales performance. Her aim is to relieve the burden on her customers with a customised CRM system. Her focus is always on adapting HubSpot to the customer's requirements - not the other way round. Through personal support, she ensures that everyone in the team enjoys working effectively with HubSpot.

Customised HubSpot solutions: Optimised processes, successful lead nurturing and individual support.

Alice studied political science, history and law in the USA, Berlin and Frankfurt (Oder). After graduating, she began a content traineeship at a marketing agency, but quickly switched to HubSpot, where she discovered her true talent. She has been working at andweekly since June 2024.

Do you need customised HubSpot solutions and individual CRM consulting?
Alice looks forward to hearing from you.
Anything else?
Where I live:


Favorite series:

One Piece

Most listened to artist:

Bruce Springsteen

Meistgenutzte App:


Favorite restaurant:

Anywhere with good noodles, whether pho or bolognese

When she's not working, Alice can often be found at the harbour reading or exploring the city's cafés. She enjoys learning all sorts of things, from baking and programming to Korean on YouTube, and is involved in the free shop and women's counselling service in her neighbourhood.

Do you need customised HubSpot solutions and individual CRM consulting?
Alice looks forward to hearing from you.